
Artist. Storyteller. Friend.

Affable jack-of-all-trades.

  • Pronouns: they/them

  • Languages: Polish, English, German

  • Location: Silesia, Poland, EU

  • Age: early 30s

  • Sexuality/Gender: queer


My main focus are various arts and crafts, and I'm always ready to help where I can. I'm a strong believer in universal human rights, including queer rights and intersectional feminism, evidence-based science and medicine, bodily autonomy, the separation of church and state, and generally in the concept that we should be good and understanding to each other.

Icon by eNat

Areas of expertise

  • writing: poetry, RPG, short novels, fanfiction, worldbuilding

  • visual arts: pencil drawing, digital drawing, anime style, watercolors

  • research: information retrieval, cross-checking sources

  • by virtue of lived experience: gender theory, women's issues, neurodivergence

  • by trade: software development, software quality assurance, proofreading


  • stories: cartoons, fantasy, sci-fi, comics, anime/manga, worldbuilding

  • cats and frogs

  • linguistics

  • information retrieval query languages

  • gemstones and minerals

  • videogames

  • sustainable gardening / solarpunk / permaculture

  • prepping / survival

  • herbalism and naturopathy